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Captain Richard (Dick) Augustin Twomey


We are very sorry to announce that Captain Twomey passed away on the 9th of July. He was CASTME’s highly valued partner who shared its vision and organised several activities that helped to take the vision forward in Mauritius and across the Commonwealth.

See CASTME Newsletter, no. 14

Mauritius: BUILDING a FUTURE for our CHILDREN - Synopsis of article by Dick Twomey


CASTME will support and nurture Captain Twomey’s inspiring work with children. This will be our tribute. 

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to Oct 30


A Commonwealth of Communities of Science: Voice of the Child

Stranmillis College, Belfast

October 28-30, 2019

[Event cancelled — inconvenience regretted]

One of the projects that CASTME supports currently is to encourage mothers and carers of young pre-school children to recognise the everyday science in their lives and point such to children hence increasing science experiences, of both the adults and the children, as well as their communication literacy skills.

CASTME is interested in the science inherent in play, particularly in less affluent areas.

List of Topics

  • climate change

  • the environment food justice and

  • the use of technology.

Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts registration deadline May 1, 2019

Submission deadline June 1, 2019

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. The following paper categories are welcome:

* Full papers describing research concerning the themes and topics of the conference

* Posters describing initiatives undertaken concerning the themes and topics of the conference List of Topics

* The Environment and its impact on the child, education, how to educate for a better environment, education for environmental awareness, action, care, and conservation

* Climate Change and its impact on the child, education, how to educate to mitigate climate change

* Use of Technology and its impact on the child, education, how to educate for safe, wholesome use of technology

* Food justice and its impact on the child, education, how to educate for better food safety, food availability

Local Organising Committee

  • Dr. Tom McCloughlin

  • Dr. Shauna McGill

  • Dr. Cliona Murphy

Invited Speakers (confirmed)

  • Dr Jaya Naugah (Mauritius)

  • Dr Sue Dale Tunnicliffe (UK)

  • Dr Balasubramanyam Chndramohan (UK)

Workshop Facilitators

  • Dr Richard Greenwood

  • Dr. Tom McCloughlin - making catapults


CASTME 2019 proceedings will be published in an electronic book


The conference will be held in Stranmillis University College, Belfast.

Contact details

All questions about submissions should be emailed to the conference email account castme2019@gmail.com


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to Jul 11

CASTME STEM Challenge at Royal Holloway, University of London

  • Google Calendar ICS

CASTME Primary  STEM Challenge

Jan-June 2019

For 5-11 year old students to ‘Solve an Everyday Problem using Everyday Materials’

Fostering creativity, scientific awareness and problem solving through a competition open to children in the UK.

CASTME STEM Challenge at Royal Holloway,

University of London


 Solve an Everyday Problem using Everyday Materials!

Are you aged between 5 and 11 years old?

Do you enjoy creating new things?

Then this challenge is for you!


CASTME is inviting groups of students to solve an everyday problem with everyday materials.

Once created, make a video clip no longer than three minutes which shows your final product and explains how you arrived at your final design.

Email your video clips to Dr Anush Yardim: Anush.Yardim@rhul.ac.uk

Closing Date: 30th April 2019

 Schools selected to make their presentations at Royal Holloway will be notified by the end of May

 Or, you can post your designs with a written description about your final product and how you arrived at the design.

Post to Dr Anush Yardim, The Shilling Building, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW20 0EX

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