#14 Editorial, Dec 2019
When you ask students the question “Who wants to be a pilot/engineer/airline cabin crew member/rocket scientist or astronaut?”, many hands go up – but rather tentatively, because “we don’t know how we can prepare...
#13 Editorial, Dec 2017
Although CASTME supports science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education across all age ranges, it is particularly concentrating on the “Early Years” of learning at this time. Apart...
#12 Editorial, Dec 2016
CASTME is working with a number of sister world-wide and local organisations which support and develop STEM education CASTME’s website is accessible on...
#11 Editorial, Jan 2016
CASTME has a new website. This has been designed and established for CASTME by Kate Williamson who is a Freelance Events Producer in PR & Marketing. The website can be accessed through...
#10 Editorial, Nov 2015
A new Constitution for CASTME is currently being devised by the Trustees and is receiving its final touches. The purpose is to bring it fully up-to-date and relevant to the Commonwealth as a whole, emphasising Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) as the most fascinating and practical subjects as a way of “leading out” our friends both young and old, within the educational process…
#9 Editorial, Dec 2014
‘A Young Commonwealth’ – This has been chosen as the theme for Commonwealth Day 2015, which takes place on 9 March. Announcing the theme, Secretary-General Kamalesh Sharma said: “People aged 29 or under account for the majority of the Commonwealth’s population, and play a vital role at the heart of sustainable development and democracy…
#8 Editorial, Aug 2014
What is it that education in the sciences really needs? How important is science to engineering and technology? Why is mathematics so important? It is that CASTME exists to help us, the educators, to provide knowledge and understanding about the world we live in through the teaching and learning of science in order to use existing and to develop new and appropriate technologies to be applied to solve problems: that’s engineering! …
#7 Editorial, Jan 2014
A major development in the way CASTME works is being developed. It is spearheading a new approach in which its strategy is more fluid and its work is to be focused on real Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Educational developments in the Commonwealth which can be nurtured and sustained by it…
#6 Editorial, Aug 2012
How best may we motivate young and old to learn and understand Science and Mathematics? For some, the interest itself is quite enough. The fascination of scientific research is all consuming. Jocelyn Bell’s contribution to our understanding of the universe and the stars, particularly pulsars has enthralled many of us. For the majority of us though, it is the relevance of the subject to our lives that matters – we learn because we need to know…
#5 Editorial, Dec 2011
CASTME Award Scheme – Teachers and officials (advisers, inspectors, etc.) working in primary, secondary and tertiary education are invited to enter for the CASTME Awards. Entries should be educational projects, which address the social or human context of science, technology and mathematics…
#4 Editorial, Jun 2011
CASTME aims to be a dynamic and forward looking Association that is constantly looking for new initiatives, relevant to its work across the Commonwealth. If you as a reader have any particular thoughts, innovative developments, projects or ideas which you would like to put into the next or subsequent editions, then please supply these to the editor at the email address supplied at the end of the Newsletter…
#3 Editorial, Dec 2010
CASTME influence is continuing to increase the awareness of its members across the Commonwealth of the importance of effective teaching and learning at all levels in Science, Technology and Mathematics Education. At this time of year, with Christmas being celebrated by many, perhaps now is the time to take stock of what we do when we learn along- side what is taught.
#2 Editorial, May 2010
Commonwealth Day 2010: Science, Technology and Society – This was the theme for Commonwealth Day this year, celebrated on 8th March: a theme that was apt and extremely relevant to CASTME. It points us to the importance of science and technology to the quality of life of all Commonwealth citizens. The concept was used to design a wide range of activities, such as debates, lectures and displays and carried forward through events in so many different ways around the world in many commonwealth countries: in cultural, academic, political and other venues and institutions.
#1 Editorial, Jan 2010
Voices: Commonwealth Women andEducation – To celebrate 50 years of CEC and 60 years of the modern Commonwealth through the voices of women go to: www.commonwealthwomensvoices.wordpress.com. This site has stories from many women of all ages and from all parts of the Commonwealth. It is inspirational and a testimony to the power of education and interna- tional cooperation throughout the Commonwealth.